CCTC Training Program
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Christian Counseling & Training Center, Inc. (CCTC) is an inter-denominational, non-profit ministry dedicated to bringing honor and glory to God by serving the Body of Christ and assisting local churches. CCTC use Biblical principles to teach, train, and counsel. CCTC encourages people to use Scripture to resolve personal and inter-personal problems and to be available to help others to apply these truths in their lives.

We believe God's Word has relevant answers to the issues we face in daily living. We study the character of God, His holiness, His grace, and purpose for life. As we examine intimate relationships, we look at the emotions of anger, fear, and guilt within the context of the Biblical concept of love. We evaluate actions and the motives behind those actions and explore how change takes place.

Discipleship Training Program (DTP)

This program is a one year program designed to point students in the direction of a caring GOD who always shows us more grace and mercy than we deserve.  The student will gain a Biblical world view and a better understanding of his/her relationship and place in God's kingdom well as a better understanding of why we "do what we don't wish to do". Students will learn the dynamics of problems and Biblical responses to those issues.

There are three courses in this program, shown below. Each courses is eight weeks are taken in sequence and include lecture, syllabus, a supplement book, and assignments. Student must submit assignments to an assigned Grader.


Course options include:

1) Quarterly Semester interactive instructor led training, start dates: April 1st Spring 2024, June 24th Summer 2024September 23rd Fall 2024, and Jan 27th Winter 2025.

2) Independent study, online or correspondence.  

3) Small group study packages with video lectures, options include study guides, homework assignments and supplemental book to help students dive deeper, and volunteer graders assigned to each participant, contact CCTC, 804-358-1343 or .

Courses, click course for description, options: day/time or self-study, and to registration:

101 Biblical Problem Solving 

this one course is "life-changing" to many of our students, we recommend for everyone, even those not looking for Biblical Counseling skills... see our Reviews.

102 Building Biblcial relationships

103 Study of Scripture for Life

Biblical Life Skills Training (BLST)


After successfully completing the Discipleship Training Program (DTP), a student may enroll in this two year program. BLST is designed to expand a student's knowledge and skills in how to resolve issues in people's lives from a Biblical Perspective. The person will also gain a deeper understanding of how important a relationship with The Lord is. The program requires an in-depth study of the Scriptures in order to gain a deeper knowledge and wisdom as to the hearts of men. This training includes course-work, observation of counseling cases, and work-shops focusing on various case studies.

An advanced training program for the development of Biblical counseling skills, designed to teach the principles and skills of biblical encouragement. This instruction focuses on the application of biblical principles to the personal and interpersonal problems* which people face in the course of daily living. 

Courses, click course for description, options: day/time or self-study, and to registration:

201 Study of Scripture for Ministry 

202 Framework for Biblical Ministry I

203 Framework for Biblical Ministry II

204 Framework Practicum

301 Methodology for Biblical Counseling I

302 Methodology for Biblical Counseling II

303 Methodology for Marriage Counseling

304 Methodology Practicum

Biblical Counselor Certification (BCC)


After successfully completing Discipleship Training Program (DTP) and Biblical Life Skills Training (BLST), a student may apply for this one year intensive Internship (4 semesters as scheduled) which provides hands on experience in the areas of counseling and mentoring. 

Semester program fee and registration.

Contact us for our Program Sheet on courses and costs involved, email to , phone 804-358-1343.

See Resource page for help on Life's Issues. 

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