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Pastors around the world need biblical counseling training. Some countries in Africa are part of the 10/40 Window where there are concentrations of both unevangelized and unreached groups as well as some of the poorest in the world. CCTC staff is welcomed there to train pastors so they can spread the Good News to their congregations. As resources become available, we will continue to minister where God opens doors.

CCTC teachers presented a Biblical Counseling workshop in October 2023 at an international pastors conference. Twenty-five Ghana pastors enrolled in Biblical Problem Solving and fifteen counselors are mentoring the students. So far, three completed the course, nine are continuing their study, and three have begun Building Biblical Relationships. Two students have already enrolled in Scripture for Life.
Andy Redford and Mark Edwards traveled to Niger to present a Biblical Counseling workshop in 2022. The 2023 mission trip to train pastors from the interior of the country was canceled due to unrest. The US State Department continues to discourage travel.

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